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Relic Stone

Relic stones can help you progress in your life by bringing happiness, love and kindness to your life. This stone can help you develop interpersonal skills and meet more benefactors. By bringing or carrying this stone with you, you can avoid any negative harm done to you. This stone has a mystical quality to it in terms of wealth, and it can bring wonderful things into one's life. Using this stone to meditate or establish your goal and will always bring you good fortune.

Work will progress and life will be successful. This stone can boost one's fortune and bring good fortune into one's life.

Assists in improving the wearer's health. Will boost your immune system and provide you with general good health.

功效:能有導氣,促進氣血循環理療及驅邪避凶、護身、引福之作用,若供奉於家中佛堂,更能改變磁場,凶化吉、增加靈氣,乃佛門無上至寶。 龍宮舍利: 本身具有強大的正磁場靈氣,對於運勢低,天生有敏感體質的人,或是夜間外出工作者,經常會出入醫院或陰氣較重地區的人。 可以配掛龍宮舍利在身上,可增強磁場,能在身體外圍形成保護圈。


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