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Introduction to the chakra system

According to ancient metaphysical tradition, each human being’s spiritual energy is gathered in seven focal points known as chakras. Running from your tailbone to the crown of your head, each chakra has its own meaning, symbol, color, and set of associated spiritual wellness practices. In this article, we discuss the different chakras and the physical symptoms, mood, and spiritual health that are most often associated with them. 


Sahasrara/ Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the subtlest and most ethereal of the seven chakras. As the conduit of consciousness … see more

Ajna/ Third Eye Chakra 

Believed by many to sit in the middle of the forehead, the third eye chakra is thought to be above … see more

Vishuddha/ Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the lineup, but it is also the first of the three spiritual chakras … see more

Anahata/ Heart Chakra

The 4th chakra in the chakra system is the heart chakra, also known as the green chakra … see more

Manipura/ Solar Plexus Chakra

Believed to represent the core of the self, or the core personality, the solar plexus chakra is also called Manipura … see more

Believed to represent the core of the self, or the core personality, the solar plexus chakra is also called Manipura … see more

Svadistana/ Sacral Chakra

Believed to be the single point in the body most often associated with pleasure, the sacral chakra is also connected … see more

Muladhara/ Root Chakra

The root chakra, also called the Muladhara in Sanskrit. According to Hindu tradition ... see more

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