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Red Obsidian

Red/ Mahogany-Obsidian is a volcanic rock that’s silica-rich and contains undulating parts of oxidized Hematite or Magnetite, which are usually colored mahogany brown or brick red within a black-colored base material.

A hugely protective stone, perfect for people who feel vulnerable to psychic or energy attack.

Wonderful at providing both grounding and protection, Mahogany Obsidian encourages strength in time of need. It eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and helps to stimulate growth on all levels.

A stone of focus, Mahogany Obsidian helps guide us to what we should be prioritizing to make spiritual progress, while aiding with self-acceptance and self confidence.

Mahogany Obsidian is often used to aid in the decision making process. It allows us to make significant changes in the most challenging areas of our lives.

It is also helpful in detoxifying organs and tissues, increasing liver and kidney function and relieving pain.



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