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Red Jasper

The name Jasper means spotted or speckled stone and is derived from the Latin ‘iaspidem’, or the Old French ‘jaspre’.

Red Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. The energy of Red Jasper is slow, relaxed, and very grounded, bringing comfort and a sense that all is right with your world. It can be very beneficial during times of stress and also brings confidence. Red Jasper allows us to face and deal with irrational fears and allows us to access inner peace, happiness, and a sense of completeness. Red Jasper helps you to be in the present moment and with any tendencies towards over-thinking and worrying about the future.

Red Jasper encourages gratitude, something that is widely held to be extremely beneficial to our mental health. Red Jasper is a good stone to have near you if you feel that things are becoming overwhelming, or that you are close to burning out. Red Jasper is a balancing stone and can help you to put down any burdens you may be shouldering that are not yours to carry. It helps clear the mind and is a powerful protector against negative feelings, moods, and vibrations. It will absorb your fears and worries if you are willing to let these go and trust that you do not need them.

Red Jasper gives you a surge of life force energies, enhancing your endurance and stamina. Its energy is similar to adrenaline, waking you up and energizing your body to boost your energy level. The healing properties encourage a positive and joyful attitude, giving you the motivation to chase after your dreams. It is also said to be especially lucky for actors and actresses, as it helps you manifest creative ideas.

A stone of health, Red Jasper strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system. It can be very restorative for the tissues of the internal organs, especially the liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder. Red Jasper is also held to be helpful in supporting our body’s ability to absorb minerals such as iron and manganese. It can aid in the elimination of stomach and abdominal pains, ease the symptoms of gout and heals bad digestion.


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