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Charoite generally strengthens the body, grounding high frequency energy into the physical system transmuting illness and disease into wellness. It assists in overcoming exhaustion, and stimulates and regulates blood pressure and pulse rate.

Charoite is soothing to the nerves, and is thought to calm those with ADHD, autism and Asperger’s syndrome. It overcomes insomnia, promoting a deep sleep, and assists those with sleep problems, including sleepwalking and talking during sleep. Charoite is thought to release cramps, relieve migraines, headaches and other aches and pains. It may be used in treatments of the eyes and heart, and to improve degraded conditions of the liver and pancreas.

Charoite is a stone for overcoming and releasing fear and negativity. It allows one to recognize and examine the cause of unconscious fears, as well as deeply rooted, internalized negativity, and to discriminate between what is real and what the mind has created. Its cleansing energy aligns the heart and intellect and allows one to see oneself, and others, through a spirit of unconditional love and acceptance. It encourages flexibility and “letting go” of negative vibrations, and inspires one to move forward in relationships and in viewing the world.

Charoite is also beneficial in putting things into perspective and overcoming resistance to change. It helps battle compulsions and obsessions, and tempers frustration and worry. By bringing about a more relaxed attitude, Charoite assists one in accepting moments as they occur and seeing the good in all situations. Charoite stimulates the Crown and Heart Chakras, synthesizing their energies to clear the aura and bring spiritual healing to the physical and emotional body.

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life. Imbalances of the Crown chakra are treated with Light Violet crystals. Their violet rays have the universal life force of magic, dreams, inspiration, and destiny.

The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. Shades of pink reflect the Light of the heart and love, and help stimulate the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Resonating with Charoite’s high, spiritual energy opens one to their full potential and encourages a path of service to humanity. It enhances one’s giving nature, and allows the heart to understand the “brotherhood of Light” that exists between an individual, the dualities, and the total environment of the planet.

Charoite is an ideal crystal for acclimating to high-frequency vibrations and is highly beneficial for healers or others who work with these energies. It helps regulate the flow of energy through the body and in grounding excess energy to prevent psychic burnout. Charoite also assists a facilitator in being objective concerning the information he/she receives, and ensures the energies and issues are that of the client and not the healer’s own patterns, references and filters.


紫龙晶有助于消除脑部的谜思,看清事实的真相,不会迷惑于表象,获得真知,通达智慧。 紫龙晶可以消除尖酸刻薄、伶牙俐齿的毛病,带来温暖、慈悲、喜悦、开怀以及富有灵性的幽默感。紫龙晶女士们佩戴紫龙晶饰物,有助于带来高贵、优雅、雍荣的不凡气质,以及慈悲、包容的气度。紫龙晶用紫龙晶雕刻而成的佛像,经过适当的开光,灵性最高、灵力最强。




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