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Arusha Sunstone

In 2000 a young Masai warrior from the Kenya and Tanzania border region discovered a sunstone deposit near Arusha in northern Tanzania. The large flakes of bright red and orange hematite in the stone mirror the brightly colored garments worn by the semi-nomadic Masai tribe.

Arusha Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energises all the chakras. Arusha Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. It also encourages independence and originality.

Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “no” to others. Arusha Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant and also increases self worth and confidence. It encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers.

Arusha Sunstone treats chronic sore throats, reduces stomach tension and relieves ulcers. It treats cartilage and spinal problems.


阿魯沙太陽石 (Arusha Sunstone) 它其實是「彩色的太陽石」,大多是橙紅色金太陽,所以彩色的金太陽很少見,也可以理解為是金太陽石與綠柱石共生的長石,但十分難凑色彩。



1) 阿魯沙太陽石就像太陽一樣,地球上所有生物都需要吸收太陽能量,如大家好好運用金太陽的能量,周遭的人都會以你為中心,有利的事都總會預你一份。 2) 佩戴阿魯沙太陽石可加強理智體能,為你帶來邏輯、推理、理智、條理、系統、計算、記憶的作能,有利讀書、背誦、考試、辦公、投資、理財,也輔助益智性牌局遊戲。 3) 當你感到疲勞時,可以佩戴阿魯沙太陽石,能夠加強體力、加強肌肉活力,是運動員的最佳寶石。 4) 當你情緒籠罩陰霾時,可以佩戴阿魯沙太陽石,或拿到心輪處冥想,可化解憂鬱、帶來陽光,令你重新快樂、開朗起來!配戴太陽石來加強信心和勇氣。 5)阿魯沙太陽石擁有黃色的光芒,對應太陽神經叢,可以帶來好運、偏財。


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